Monday, February 6, 2012

Tokyo Disney Sea

Going to fun places~!
Or just one fun place.

A heads up to anyone wanting to go to Disney Sea.  It's really hard to find anyone who speaks English.  The furthest you can get is an English Guidebook.....unless you're lucky and find someone.

The entrance of Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea.  This is the "Resort Line" which is basically a train that connects the two.  Unfortunately, you can only choose to go to one with a single ticket.  To go to both, you would have to pay for both.
Word of the post-
乗り物 (norimono) - Ride, as in amusement park ride
遊園地  (Yuenchi) - Amusement Park
Disney Sea was a lot of fun.  We left at around 8:30 in the morning to get there when it opened, and didn't leave until it closed at 10 at night.  From where we live, it took about 50 minutes, one way, to get there.

Taking pictures at the entrance.

Sexy face, Sarah...

So, it costs 150 yen to ride the train one way.  I believe it was 650 yen for an all day pass, but we didn't feel like wasting our valuable money on such a thing, so we decided to walk...

And maybe 10 minutes later, we reached our destination!  Disneyland.  Wait...what?!  Ends up, we went the wrong way.  We were supposed to go the opposite way for Disney Sea....

Oh well, going to Disney Land allowed us to see this wonderful hotel.  Look at that beast!

Disney Land's entrance.  Look at that castle in the background!  I know people recognize that silhouette.

Have another picture.  ;D

In fact, here's one with people posing in front of it.

Being the lazy punks we are.  After having walked all that way to Disney Land, we decided to just take the damn monorail to Disney Sea.  It was only 150 yen after all....

Disney Themed!

And Crowded.  WHERE'S WALDO!  (Sarah, Cho, and Elise)

And just our luck.  It had to be raining on the day of our trip.  It didn't rain the day before, or even the day after!  Why did it have to be during our trip gad dang it.

Guess who didn't have an umbrella!  THIS GURL.

The lady at the ticket booth took one look at us.  Said that we must be students, and asked if we would prefer to have the Japanese guide instead of the English.  In the end, she gave us both.

Finally, inside Disney Sea.  Round of applause everyone!

It's raining!  Why is it so crowded?!

That globe is awesome, by the way.  It has water running down it constantly, and it makes it look like the water of the world moving around.  And it turns too!

Group picture!  Minus the me.  Oh well, pretend I'm Genie.


There's the thing from a distance.

Wooo!  Tenth Anniversary of Disney Sea!

That mountain in the distance?  It's a ride.

Entering Disney Sea.  Welcome to a whole new world.

So pretty!  I want one!  That's Sarah in the distance, btw.

This is what's in the center of that huge mountain earlier!  It's all Steampunk themed.

Sarah absolutely adores Steampunk, you can imagine how excited she was about this place.

There she is now!  Hahaha.

This was, obviously, the first attraction we decided to look at.  It seems that Disney Sea is greatly divided by themes.  More so than what I remember about Disney Land in America.  When you walk into a different section, it really is like you just arrived somewhere completely different.

They even have themed popcorn buckets!  Far too expensive for my tastes, however, at a whopping 2000 plus yen.

To ride the main attraction, the waiting time was around 90 minutes or so.  Since we were only going to be around Disney Sea for the day, we decided to fastpass it and took it at a later time.  That didn't stop us from taking the smaller ride.

The next theme we went to was "The Little Mermaid"!

This place looked more like a playground for children.  The main attraction was actually a person (Not even Japanese) lip singing to "Part of that World".  We weren't allowed to take pictures, unfortunately.  I found it very funny, though, that in the end, Ariel decided not to change into a human because "family is the most important" and we "shouldn't stray from our roots."  So very Japanese.

This is what the "Little Mermaid" area looked like from the outside.

Look at the details, geez.

Triton.  Let your daughter gooo~!

This is what the inside of the Little Mermaid area looks like.  nice huh?  I love the top, it makes me feel like we're really under water.

Those weird moving things on the bottom left are the tea cups.

Being the children that we are, you can guess we went and took a ride in that.  The workers told us that sitting on one side would allow us to go faster, so we did.  They were right!  It was flipping intense, jerking us around like we were puppets.  And it would suddenly shift directions too.  I'm so happy I don't get crazy motionsickness.

Jellyfish Ride!  Not really good for anything but viewing the rest of the area.

Elise and I really wanted to touch the stingers.  We couldn't reach though!!

Here's the view of the area from Jellyfish.

Goofy just so happened to be lurking around this area.  Took the chance and got a picture.

Sarah and Elise as well.

Sexy poses on Silhouette wall.

Sarah, checkin' out the goods.  I can't tell if she's pleasantly surprised, or shocked.

Ursula's layer.

Secret holes galore, in Ursula....'s layer

We had our lunch break in the Aladdin section, where people who wanted to spend money on food (Cho, Elise, and I) bought ourselves some grub.  Sarah ate bread that she bought earlier that day.  Our meals were expensive!  But they were mmm, mmm, mmm derichious.

Apparantly Aladdin equals India here, so we had curry.

Indian Niiiiiights, eating curry all daaaayyy~!  No offense to Indians.  I just thought it was amusing.

What types of food do people in Arabia eat anyways?
Watch, it's gonna be curry.....

After leaving that place, we decided to try to catch a look at the water works taking place near the entrance of the park.  It was crowded, raining, and really freaking cold.  On the way, though, I spotted this nice castle.  ;D

That's where the show is taking place.  It started before we could find a good place, so we rushed to the nearest building.  Sarah stayed outside though.

Lady on left kept getting in my shots.

Oh, I remember the synopsis for this thing.  Something about how mickey and friends are on a quest to find and save the mystical animals in another world.......  pfffffft.

After the event, we decided to go and see how long it would take to ride the Tower of Terror.  To our horror, the Tower of Terror was the most crowded in the park, with a waiting time of 120 minutes.  And they were out of fast passes...

We decided to go back at a later time and see how it would be then.

As we were leaving, I took a snapshot of the Tower of Terror.

Unnnnnnnggg,  I wanted to ride it so badly.

Anyways, after we left the Tower of Terror, Elise really had to find a place to buy new socks, hers were so soaked they were making her feet go numb.  At this time, we wandered through the many shops that they have in Disney Sea.  Most of the shops, sadly, contained the same thing.

I bought one hat as a souvenir, thus spending all the money I had brought to spend in Disney Sea.  I didn't take a picture of it, however....It's a Cheshire Cat long hat, the one that has gloves at the end of its long ears.

Eventually, Elise was able to find a good pair of socks, and she and Sarah went to the bathroom to change.  Cho really wanted to do the treasure hunt that they had at the castle, so I joined her.  It took us around an hour to complete it.  Unfortunately, Sarah and Elise didn't make it back in time to join us.  They decided to go to the bar and wait for us.

While we were doing the treasure hunt, I found a nice looking place that I snapped a few pictures of.

By this time, the sun had almost set.  We decided to wander over to the spacey, er, floating, futuristic looking area?  I don't even know what it is...It just looks pretty cool, and it's located on the sea okay.

Anyone else thing Dark Cloud 2 when they see this picture.  No?  No one?  Just me?  Never mind then.

It's pretty, and wet.

I kinda get that it's supposed to be futuristic, but I don't understand how-you know what, forget it, it's a cool object okay?  I took a picture of it.

This theme area's popcorn was raspberry flavored.  Sarah and Elise bought a box.  I didn't like it so much......

Being as it was getting late, and it was raining, there weren't as many people waiting in line for their turns on the rides.  We were able to get inside the nice dry building rather quickly and avoid the rain for the most part.

I actually recorded this ride, but with my irritating laughter and unnecessary english comments, and the horrible way my camera was not able to film the ride vividly, I decided not to post it.  The guy who was talking during the ride had a hot voice though.  He sounded a bit like Okita Souji's Hakuouki voice, with less Shikamaru in it.

If you get the references, fistbump!

(Not like there are many people reading it anyways. Lol.)

This gun scared the crap out of me.  It blasted a freaking loud noise that rang through the building.  I think more than half of the people there jumped.

After taking the ride, it was around 8:30PM.  We only had 1 and 1/2 hours left to traverse the theme park.  So, we decided to go back to the Tower of Terror and wait there, since we really wanted to ride it.

We expected the line to be shorter at this point in time.  It was getting close to closing time.  Boy were we wrong.  The ride had a wait time of 100 minutes.  Figuring that this was the best time to wait, we did so.  Eventually, Sarah and Cho went to get some popcorn.  It was at this point in time that the line decided to move.  Right when the two ran away.  And by the time they got back, we were past the gates to get in.

It ended up being a Marco Polo game, as Sarah had politely asked if they could go in and search for their friends.  Nikki!  Serraaahhhhhhh! Nikkkiiiiii!  Sarahhhhh!

They did find us before we got in though.

It still took another 45 minutes to ride it, and it was a shortened version, highly disappointing.

Hahahaha.  Elise, I love you.

We got off the ride right at closing time, and we casually exited the place.

As we were leaving, we noticed people that were on upper floors of buildings near the exit waving at us!  Creeped me out at first, but then I realized that these people were staying the night.  IN DISNEY SEA.  Inside of it!  OMG.

It was cute though, because they kept staring at us as we were passing.  Like, right at us.  No one else.  So we waved.  Then one of the cuties motioned to his girlfriend and they both smiled and started waving.

So cute!

The ride back was a long and boring one, and suffice to say, we just barely got to the dorms before they locked up for the night.  All in all, it was a fantastic trip.

On a side note.  Bye bye Cho.  It was great to get to know you.  Hope you enjoy the rest of your life.  Maybe one day I'll go to Korea and visit you!

1 comment:

  1. ...only if we're making some Smores!

    Note: You were not chubby. Your profile description is, hmmm. Frizzy? You have beautiful hair.


Leave me a marshmallow?