Friday, February 24, 2012

Skiing and Snowboarding
Nagano, Japan

Last time I went to the snow (also, incidentally, my first time that I remember), I tried my hand at snowboarding - as is pictured above.

This time.  I thought that Skiing would be a better option.

 See that smile?  I'm clueless.

Wanna know what's so great about skiing without help?  You don't know what the heck you're supposed to do!  Evidentally, since we were located halfway between the top of this section and the bottom, we had to start from the half way point.  

 O Shi*...WhaddoIdo?

The only thing in my brain that I knew about skiing was from South Park.

Pizza, French Fries, Pizza, French Fries.  (French Fries are terrifying now.)

First time down, horrible.  Crash landing, right on the cranium.  Experts Gary and Elise coming down ("Are You Okay?").  No, no, I wasn't okay.  My brain felt horrible and I landed on my camera.  *Sniff*

Shaky, and feeling a bit sick, I sat the next two times down the hill out.

When I did finally get the gall to try again, 

...It wasn't so bad, ignoring my inner whimpering, bitching, and moaning.  I had Elise there right next to me directing me with how to make it so that I don't immediately fall down and break my spine.

So I'm gonna be Miss helpful and give some of my (basic) advice to anyone who is like me, and doesn't know what the heck they're doing.

Skiing for the First time Advice:

    • Don't go to the expert area's (duh)
    • Bend yo knees!  Better control and all that jazz
    • Pizza is a god-send.  You can pizza yourself down minor slopes without murdering yourself on the jumps.  (For those that don't know, pizza-ing is when you direct the tips of your skiis towards each other, not touching, just angled towards each other. Like this: / \)
    • For controlling speed and direction, try swerving back and forth on the slope.  This allows you to go down the slope section by section.
    • Do not freak out!  If you do, you may tumble, like I did my first time down.
    • Tiny bumps cause a bigger jump than you would think.  Avoid them.
    • Focus on yourself.
    • Have good friends.  That way you can get taken care of if you're hurt.

After the sixth or so time down, I felt comfortable to try the next one up with Sarah.  Apparently, difficulty levels jump drastically in Japan, so what was a comfortable descent on the first section (yet still not quite beginners, especially near the end), ended up turning into a much more difficult one on the next course...

 Needless to say, I didn't go back up there a second time...

Anyways, if you happen to get the chance to snowboard or skii in Japan, I recommend it.  It's a lot of fun, and it's in a different country!

Say buhbye my friends~!

'Til Next time!

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