Omg, it's snowing! This really isn't much of a post since it's really spur of the moment, but I really wanted to commemorate my first time seeing snow in Japan. It's not even supposed to snow here!
As a matter of fact, where I live in America, it doesn't snow either! I have to go all the way to Lake Tahoe to experience snow like I got here! *high pitched screech* I'm so happy~!!!
So, to commemorate this day, I've decided to post our night time activities of what we did in the snow.
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Word of the post-
雪 (yuki) - snow! I think the reason should be really flipping obvious!
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today I had planned to just buckle up and study for my coming tests.
To get ready, I planned to go to Lawson's and get some late night
snacks. Upon checking facebook, however, I see a post from Sarah:
"It's snowing! Like legitimately snowing! Come see!"
I wander outside of my room to see what all the fuss is about, and really expecting something more along the lines of sleet. What I got instead was a pleasant surprise. The world had turned into a winter wonderland~! Since I had last seen it, maybe 3 hours previous, there must have been two or three inches of snow on the ground already!

This is the view that I get upon immediately leaving my room! Just a few hours ago, things were wet, but definitely not white!
So it's almost 11PM at night, you're ready to tuck yourself away in bed and spend a few good hours warm, under your blanket, and on the internet. Instead you see your first snow in a different country.
What do you do?
What do you think I did?
Of course, I Marched up to my friends' floor (they live on the same floor...lucky), and convinced them that it was a good idea to go outside and fool around.

Gearing up for some fun, fun, fun in the snow.
And what a glorious sight it was.

Bikes covered under the fresh snow. Fresh footsteps on the ground. A psychopath running around waving their hands in happiness. (Shut up, that's not me.)
Ah, perfect snow day... er....night.
Lets have a closer look at the less fortunate bikes in the area, hmmm..??

Sucks to be you!
Unfortunately, all the recordings that I took ended up being too dark for anyone to see anything...... We did throw snow balls around but, I recorded that so.... uh.... here have some more pictures!

It's my dorm! Slowly getting surrounded by the fresh white ice...

Plants have a different kind of beauty when covered in snow...

A real crappy picture taken of Sarah making a snow angel......

Eventually I did go to Lawson's, as was originally planned. I was accompanied by Sarah (who was, at the time, trying to eat snow.) and we walked in and shook our snow off. Betcha the workers were mad.
I took Sarah's new profile picture! lol. I still have to send it though.....I'll do it after this.

Sexy. :P

I feel like I have to make some sort of symbolic reference with this picture......let me try.
There are many different paths that one must take, and many different ways that the path will bend. It's up to you, however, to walk the path you choose in the way you want. Reach for your own destiny. (Walking towards the light...:P)

A snow day isn't complete without a snow man!

The day can't be completed without some sort of mishap. This one came in the form of a girl losing her phone. Luckily, it was found in the snow. Sarah found it.

After a nice time playing in the snow....this is what the parking lot ended up looking like. Footprints EVERYWHERE. And it was perfectly clear before we came, hahaha.
At 12AM the guards come to lock the door, so we had to go back inside at around this time. Unfortunately...:P

In the distance, a lone snowdwarf stands. He wonders why everyone played so far from him. Why wasn't he invited?
I saw one last pretty sight before returning to my room, and that was in the form of falling snow being reflected by light.

So pretty......
I wander outside of my room to see what all the fuss is about, and really expecting something more along the lines of sleet. What I got instead was a pleasant surprise. The world had turned into a winter wonderland~! Since I had last seen it, maybe 3 hours previous, there must have been two or three inches of snow on the ground already!
This is the view that I get upon immediately leaving my room! Just a few hours ago, things were wet, but definitely not white!
So it's almost 11PM at night, you're ready to tuck yourself away in bed and spend a few good hours warm, under your blanket, and on the internet. Instead you see your first snow in a different country.
What do you do?
What do you think I did?
Of course, I Marched up to my friends' floor (they live on the same floor...lucky), and convinced them that it was a good idea to go outside and fool around.
Gearing up for some fun, fun, fun in the snow.
And what a glorious sight it was.
Bikes covered under the fresh snow. Fresh footsteps on the ground. A psychopath running around waving their hands in happiness. (Shut up, that's not me.)
Ah, perfect snow day... er....night.
Lets have a closer look at the less fortunate bikes in the area, hmmm..??
Sucks to be you!
Unfortunately, all the recordings that I took ended up being too dark for anyone to see anything...... We did throw snow balls around but, I recorded that so.... uh.... here have some more pictures!
It's my dorm! Slowly getting surrounded by the fresh white ice...
Plants have a different kind of beauty when covered in snow...
A real crappy picture taken of Sarah making a snow angel......
Eventually I did go to Lawson's, as was originally planned. I was accompanied by Sarah (who was, at the time, trying to eat snow.) and we walked in and shook our snow off. Betcha the workers were mad.
I took Sarah's new profile picture! lol. I still have to send it though.....I'll do it after this.
Sexy. :P
I feel like I have to make some sort of symbolic reference with this picture......let me try.
There are many different paths that one must take, and many different ways that the path will bend. It's up to you, however, to walk the path you choose in the way you want. Reach for your own destiny. (Walking towards the light...:P)
A snow day isn't complete without a snow man!
The day can't be completed without some sort of mishap. This one came in the form of a girl losing her phone. Luckily, it was found in the snow. Sarah found it.
After a nice time playing in the snow....this is what the parking lot ended up looking like. Footprints EVERYWHERE. And it was perfectly clear before we came, hahaha.
At 12AM the guards come to lock the door, so we had to go back inside at around this time. Unfortunately...:P
In the distance, a lone snowdwarf stands. He wonders why everyone played so far from him. Why wasn't he invited?
I saw one last pretty sight before returning to my room, and that was in the form of falling snow being reflected by light.
So pretty......
Well, I'll leave it at that for tonight! I have a test tomorrow so it's time for me to sleep!
I hope there's still snow tomorrow.
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