And I am not over-exaggerating.

Anyways, afterwards, we finally got to take the nice pictures with a few of the graduates.
This lovely girl is named Emiko.
The more beautiful location of our feasting~
They had beer as well, but being underage (By American standards) I held off. Besides, beer is nasty....
Imagine the overcrowded circumstances of the Sushi location. No thanks. :P
Ciao for Nao~
So, I know that graduations, in general, aren't the most exciting thing to participate in, let alone watch. You have to sit through every name that is called out.
But hey, at least you get to complain aloud. Or yell and scream when people are called. In Japan, take away any aspect of excitement from the graduations from America, and you have a graduation ceremony a la Japan.
Though I have to say, the clothes are still quite snazzy.
Only problem I would have is the ridiculous butt bump made from the kimono bow...
It's just ridiculous....
Anyways. The room the graduation takes place in is dead silent.
You know it's bad when people fall asleep.... Okay, so people in Japan do this often, so what. It was still quite shocking...
This lovely girl is named Emiko.
And while not a graduate herself, this girl between Elise and I is named Tomomi, she was the Dorm leader last semester.
She left this semester, and we are quite dorm leader-less..
The real fun started after the boring graduation ceremony, where we were all allowed to enter the other gym, and......EAT~
WOOHOO~ Sorry, but ya gotta realize, free food is something that all college students love, that and free pillows and blankets.
They had beer as well, but being underage (By American standards) I held off. Besides, beer is nasty....
Finally, the food. There was sushi too but it was difficult enough to take pictures just of this....
Imagine the overcrowded circumstances of the Sushi location. No thanks. :P
And finally, I leave you with this quite silly picture:
Ciao for Nao~
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