Friday, March 30, 2012

Life Lessons, No. 2

Life Lessons - Japan Style

Life Lesson 2 - Laundry is easy to deal with in small increments.

Do your laundry.  Trust me, you don't want to have to deal with the mess all at one time.

And yes, that is my laundry.  I ran out of hangers (seeing as I don't dry my clothes) quite quickly.

I know, this post is quite similar to my previous cleanliness post.

~Ja for now.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Miscellaneous Saturday

The first Miscellaneous Saturday of hopefully many.

For today's item:

This was found in Osaka, Japan.  Ah, fun times....
I wonder if the Japanese realize just what is being said here....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Life Lessons

Life Lessons - JAPAN style

Life Lesson 1 - Being a slob is NOT okay.

For the past few weeks, I've been basically hibernating in a state of  "LAZY" and "CHEAP".  I haven't gotten up the gumption to do much of anything.  So when a person doesn't do much of anything, you would expect the mess to be minimal, right?

HA, yeah right.

Apparently, I have a bad habit of eating things that are rather crumbly in my room.  And these crumbs tend to build up.  It got out of hand, so I actually cleaned it.

And what a glorious thing it is to be able to see the floor once more!

That is All.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Deer, Deer, Everywhere!

So...Technically, this trip took place right after Osaka...(January 5th?) but I got lazy and didn't feel like posting it up, so here it is now....

The trip to deer central Nara, Japan.

Nara actually didn't seem to be all that large... I'm pretty sure it was just the area that we were in that was so small though.