Anyways, this will probably be a fast post. I have a test tomorrow and am really just procrastinating by being on here. (Already did all my laundry and made food...)
Anyways, on to the post.
Japanese words of the week:
Moufu (mow-foo) もうふ - blanket, plain and simple. Ah, the comfort of many a children all around the world. It ain't surprising that I'm in love with my nice, fluffy warm blanket.....
Fukuro (foo-koo-ro) ふくろ - bag. Not to be confused with kaban, or bag/purse, this word means the bag that things like groceries and other such shopping items get placed into upon purchasing. Japanese are very careful with giving out their fukuro, you usually only get one or two for a crap load of groceries. If you have a eco-bag, many times they knock off a few cents from your total.
Also, there's a store called Big-A. This place doesn’t give you bags at all, so if you purchase something, make sure you bring an eco-bag or at least something to carry your stuff with.
Why isn't this sweet?? ----->
I want my sweets dengit! And I don't mean the chocolate milk!
Something that I have found I don't like all that much in Japan are the sweets. For those of you that know me, you're probably thinking "NO WAY!", because I'm a sweets-a-holic. But it's true! The sweets here in Japan are either way too sweet for me, or not sweet enough! Where's the in between!
For example...Lawson's (my convenience store) sells things like bread and donuts and all sorts of other pastry based delights. I've bought maybe three different types, and with every one of them I did not like it so much. The donuts had filling, and I've never been fond of filling.
Another example is the chocolate! I thought for sure I would like the chocolate, but nope! If it's not in bar form, I don't like it...Chocolate milk (a rarity, surprisingly...where's my durn chocolate milk powder!), Chocolate bread, chocolate pastries, etc. The worst, by far, is the chocolate milk I found. It says that it's a milk chocolate drink on the label, but I didn't think it would be a melted chocolate bar in a drink canister! That's just too extreme for my chocolate milk! So I had to dilute it with plain ol' cow juice! It took maybe 4/5ths milk and 1/5 of that chocolate drink to make it the perfect taste of chocolate milk....
Fixed my crappy language changer! Now I don't have to worry about randomly typing in Japanese.
Anyways, Sarah and I have decided to go to Karaoke almost every Wednesday. Of course if there's something more important going on, we won't go, but for now that's our plan. We went this last Wednesday, and had a blast.
There's a place that's called Maneki Neko that's ridiculously cheap on week days in the early hours. It's 10 yen per hour. The catch is that you have to buy a drink or drink bar, and that is really expensive. I opted for the all you can drink drink bar for 400 yen. It just seemed more worth it compared to a 300+ yen one time drink.
Anyways, Sarah and I totally kicked it up with Disney, Disney, and more Disney! Next time were gonna try to incorporate more Japanese songs, but just reading the stuff fast enough can be really difficult...Oh well, we're trying.
Until next time, (and when I hopefully get a flipping memory card reader to post pictures up, dang!)
From Japan!
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