Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blending Days

So, I haven't posted anything since Thursday huh??  Feels like it's only been a day or so.

Beware, this is all words and no pictures.  ;)

Here's what's been going down in Japan for me.  First, it's really nice to be able to access some real money.  I feel much better, and am eating much better.  It's a little tough sometimes though 'cuz I have this real strong urge to buy things that I really don't need.  I can't account for maybe 5000 yen, that's around 75 dollars in America.  I'm gonna go with the idea that all the purchases that don't give receipts are building up.  I mean, there are vending machines in every building and the drinks go for around 120 yen each.  That can really add up....Plus I went hardcore food shopping.............Oh well, how much of an excuse can I really make.  Somehow or another I have managed to lose track of a lot of money......

Shhhhhh, don't tell my mom.  :P

Since Thursday huh....Well, I thikn we were planning to go make a trip to Kashiwa to find a Book Off, a store that sells some books for dirt cheap.  We didn't go because Elize hasn't gotten her scholarship yet, so she's living off what she has managed to keep in her pocket from not buying a lot.  That was an event we planned for Saturday or Sunday.   I swear the days are blending because I do not remember what we did on Friday......I, I, I don't think we did anything!  Oh we talked.  I found out the German word for clitoris.  Now we call anyone who pisses us off Kitzler.

Yeah, we were gonna go to Kashiwa on Saturday but then Serah and I started talking about Gaia.  I don't know how, I haven't been on in years!  Anyways, she convinced me to sit around in the library all day on Gaia.  I don't want to get addicted, man!  Needless to day, we didn't go to Kashiwa that day either.  In fact, most of the days we go to school or the library until around 5 or 7 PM and then we go retreat into the dorm and talk until midnight.  Sometimes some Japanese girls come and talk to, and other times our Korean friend named Cho talks.  Oh man, Cho has told us some creepy things about Korea....

Oh we had a Health Exam Saturday morning too!  It too for flipping ever.  Walk in, fill out a paper with your name and gender and any problems you may be having....in Japanese.  Then go line up to get measured and weighed.  (Woo lost 17lbs!)  You got this cup in your hand that you know you have to pee in eventually for the whole exam.  It was laughing at me.  I already peed that morning!  then you go get your eyes and ears checked.  Woo blind!  Woo - wait, I knew I was blind already.  At least my hearing is fine.

Next you line up for, (dun, dun, dun) getting your blood drawn!  Wew hew.  Get your blood pressure checked haaiii, a little low, move on to get your blood drawn.  Of all the f-.  Anyways.  It hurt a bit and then I got woozy, like didn't eat anything woozy.  It wasn't too bad though, just a little dizzy, blood wouldn't stop seeping either durn it....  Then you get to go outside where you sit in a nice cramped car with two to three other people and proceed to strip under your shirt with a man standing right there.  Place your chest against the screen mam, No, no hair, no your chin goes up here!  Shut up dood, I get it.  Then after the exray you have to try your best to get dressed without letting man see goodies.

My friend Serah got real sick because she hadn't eaten that morning or the night before.  She had to stay for two extra hours after.  During that time I chose to withdraw some nice good 'ol money.  I had just run out because I had payed my dues after borrowing from the International Office.  I chose to withdraw 10,000 yen.

We went to Volleyball on Saturday night.  I've joined two circles and one club, the badminton circle, the volleyball circle, and RIFA, the club that forces men to crossdress on Halloween (It's I joke!  Only one man was forced, the others were all willing.)  Anyways, volleyball.  I guess because it isn't a club really, the people just like to have fun but, dannng the men are crazy.  While we were playing half of them started just randomly screaming ELIZEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  While Serah was hitting the ball.  When they screwed up, they would bow to Elize and if they couldn't get the ball they would kick it.

When we separated it got a little better, I got with a pretty cute guy in the group who was like Nikoru!!  Naisu Nikoru!!  Oh man, nice accent man.  Too bad you're too short for me.

Sunday all buildings on campus are closed.  So we decided to go to Kashiwa on Sunday.  Ends up we didn't.  We went to Karaoke (First in Japan! Woooooo!!)  at the cheapest place in town still managed to be around 666 yen per person.  We left at around 10 AM I believe, walked to the Karaoke place and stayed there until 12 PM.   Elize has a good voice to, durn her.  Serah, ah, she tries.  Hahaha.  We tried to sing some Japanese songs but dang they're hard.  We ended up singing mainly English songs.  Carpenters, Britney Spears, High School Musical, Abba.  Hahaha.  The only thing that wasn't Japanese or English was one German song that Elize chose.  Nice song, couldn't understand a word.

After, we went shopping at the bookstore that was nearby for a few hours.  It definitely isn't a book off, books are all normal price and expensive.  I spent 3000 yen without even realizing I did.  Then we went to the nearby shopping center where we got some school supplies and a bit more food.  I must have spent around 5000 yen that day.  No, I did spend 5000 yen that day.  I had 5000 left from what I withdrew.
On Monday, we went to some classes and then just went to our dorms again and talked, again.  Learned a lot of naughty info 'bout my two new friends.  ;D  Found out I met Elize's potential, the name of the guy that she's interested in.  He went to Germany one year and met her, and never lost contact.  I didn't even realize I met him, he was just there.  Then while Elize was talking about her potential, she was like "remember that guy at Asunaro?"  I flipped.  Hell yeah I remember that dood!  I met your potential Elize?!  Why didn't I realize!!!

Learned a new German phrase:  MOF.  It means Mensch ohne freunde, or person without friends.  Basically its the german way of saying Loner.

We talked about first kisses, which I sadly have not had yet.  I don't count that crummy cheek kiss.  Anyways, Serah's was definitely the most interesting.  She went on this cruise to Mexico, (she lives in California, talk about extravagant).  One day, this Norewegian dude chooses to come up to her table as she's eating with her family.  They all kinda stare at him like, "yeahhh???"  and the first thing he says, hands behind his back, is "Your table looks like a spuun."  With an accent on the word spoon.  So, Serah's like, WTF....  She decides to hang out with him anyways during the trip.  On the last day he corners her with a rose and basically forces the kiss on her.  Then her mama chooses that time to walk in and try to find her.  Instead of helping, her mom turns and basically speed walks in the opposite direction.

When Serah finally catches up, all her mom says is "You don't have to do anything you don't want to."  All Serah can say is:  "Yes mom..."

Tuesday was a day of classes, classes, and more classes and then after we went to Lawson, and went to the dorm where we talked for a bit   (three hours) before going to sleep.  Wewt.

Today I just went straight to the library before class (which is at 10:30AM).  It's the only class of the day so Elize, Serah, and I are planning to go make a trip to Aeon.  It's pretty far, but the shop is so big, its worth it.

Will update again at some point~!

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